Join us for a Day on the Pier with our exceptional educators. The location is near the corner of 12th Street and Sinatra Drive North with which is currently known as Education Pier 12. We employ our education community to bring your students to our Pier and we can customize a curriculum that integrates with their curriculum.
Class sizes can vary where we would like to engage entire classes of up to 26 students. The price per student depends on the curriculum desired.
A Day on the Pier Example (all times are approximate)
Field Trip Education Programs on Pier 12
Biodiversity of the Hudson River
Students will utilize the Pier and access to the river to engage in hands-on exploration of the estuary. Students will investigate the basic question: What lives in the Hudson River?
Estuary Water Quality Monitoring
Students will explore aspects of urban hydrology by engaging in hands-on water quality data collection. Students will investigate the basic question: How clean is the water?
Introduction to Sailing
Students will get an introduction to the historically significant and exciting sport of sailing. Utilizing our education pier classroom and materials, the students will get an interactive while on the land taste of what it is like to sail. Students will investigate the basic question: How does a boat harness the wind to move?